Only homeowners who have lived through an extensive home remodeling project know what it feels like to see the place where they live completely torn up. One of the most dramatic effects occurs when we are building a two story addition to a home.
Large sections of exterior wall are removed at the point where the old and new spaces join. People express concern about this. Actually, it's not that bad. Most of our clients stay in the house, even during extensive renovation projects. They are imagining total chaos and disruption of their routines. Reality? It goes pretty smoothly.
Imagine that you arrive home from the office one afternoon to find the entire back wall of of your house GONE! Well, not quite. For your comfort and security, those structural walls are not demolished until the addition has been framed and is weather tight and secure. In the design build method of home remodeling, the family's comfort and the security of their property is built into the project plan.
Planning, planning, planning is what minimizes inconvenience to our clients. The quality of the planning and communication is a direct result of our integrated design build approach. We set clear expectations and keep communication ongoing. So if there are any unexpected changes in the schedule--you will be told about them right away rather than ambushed later.
One of our clients recently said that she felt she learned so much about her house and about construction during the renovation. When walls and ceilings are stripped out for a gut renovation, you get to see all the things you never see.
In fact, if you know how to look at it, it looks great! You get a peek behind the scenes, seeing the bones of your house. A calm, orderly home remodeling process can provide a rare opportunity to get to know your home intimately and to appreciate it all the more once it is all put back together again.
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